Sunday, January 02, 2011

2 days into the year twenty eleven. School officially starts tomorrow. I really wanna be true to my own promise of bucking up my lazy ass for school and make sure that no more re-modules will ever happen in the rest of my university life. It feels really bad to see all the money being wasted. Come on brain allow yourself to absorb more academically!

I wanna explore and experience more in 2011. No specific plans on how im gonna do that but i will try to be up for whatever interesting and new stuff that comes my way. That dont include boyfriend though. Hohoho. Meh he doesnt read my blog anyway. Somehow im looking forward to fully utilise my 2011 daily planner notebook.

I will definitely find a job during my mid-year school break in order to save up for a trip at the end of the year. I wanna go on a holiday at least once a year from now on. It was Taiwan 2 years back. And it was Bangkok last year.

Also, I pray for relationships to be better this year.

Backtrack to the last day of 2010. Fortunately it was an enjoyable NYE's night. Potluck with different countries' food at boyfriend's house with his friends. It was supposed to be cancelled but they went ahead with the plan last minute because one of them prepared his dish already. =X

The supposedly Irish beef stew that the boy whipped up. Nothing Irish about it though. But it turned out to be pretty good. Was the first dish to be wiped out. Played wii till late. My arms hurt. And i realised my body only become sore 2 days after that activity. Never the next day but 2 days later. Weird huh. Or does that happen to everyone else as well?

Im just quoting this from someone in my facebook.

"I know wit a new year there is no such thing as a new beginning, but somehow i think ppl celebrate it bcoz life is like a story. Wit each new year begins a new chapter in life n like in every story ppl jus hope it becomes better,not all stories are a happy one. But yet again it is our story to tell n since we are e writers of our own happy ending, I wish u all a happy new year n tat we all make better choices in what we do."

True that. We are the writers of our own story. Master of our fate, captain of our soul.

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