Saturday, June 26, 2010

I'm waiting for my moment to come
I'm waiting for the movie to begin
I'm waiting for a revelation
I'm waiting for someone to count me in

Cos now I only see my dreams
In everything I touch
Feel their cold hands on
Everything that I love
Cold like some magnificant skyline
Out of my reach
But always in my eyeline now

But everytime I reach for you
You slip through my fingers
Into cold sunlight
Laughing at the things that I had planned
The map of my world gets
Smaller as I sit here
Pulling at the loose threads now

Above are from Keane's lyrics, Spiralling.

Photos are snippets of my life recently. Gonna just let the pictures do the talking.

And yes, i'm looking forward to the release of 'Eclipse'. I've read all the 4 books in the Twilight series. I'm just excited to see how it will be transformed from script to screen.

School is starting next week. And it all becomes a dreaded routine again. The modules in next semester are gonna be tougher. I really hope to be able to deal with it. I'm still really thankful i managed to pass my previous semester.

Dont know if i'll continue posting entries here soon every now and then. I'm just too lazy and not that commited anymore. Although sometimes when i'm out and about with my life my mind is filled with so many thoughts and feelings that could make a decent post. But usually, the enthusiam for blogging dies down by the end of the day when facebook/twitter/fashion blogs/online shopping/msn are what i'll do first when i turn on my laptop. So you'll see where the mood for blogging goes.

I guess that's all for now. And i'll see you souls soon.

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