I can probably say this week is the best school week. Because i only have classes on Monday. Yup, free for the rest of the week. And thank God i have been exempted from one of the course modules for this semester. Have been waiting for the exemption results since the induction and enrollment session last month.
But i really have to start revising my work. Statistics and accounting isn't really treating me very well as of yet. But i'll be working on it. I will not allow myself to fail any modules during my time in the school.
Thank God for coursemates whom i can get along well with. They are the people who are in the same group as me during orientation. We pretty much stick together in school, like a poly class. I have just formed my first project group. I'm good with those in my group. Hopefully no true colours will surface too soon. Not looking forward to any serious conflicts.
BB will be heading off to field camp this week. And the next following 2 weeks. No contact for a couple of days during the mid week. Guess we all just have to deal with it.
I didn't managed to start off the new year very well. I told myself how hard could it be to stay out of arguments? At that moment i wasn't having a feud with anyone, and i didn't see any coming. But then on the first day i still managed to piss the bf off for some reason. And we didn't really talk until the 3rd day when we managed to make peace. Well, all's good till now. And i plan to keep it that way.
I wonder if i'll be able to travel to anywhere this year.
I really hope to enjoy my university life. Because it's the last chance to study (nope, i dont intend for Masters and further) before heading out to the working world which will probably take up half of my life after i'm done with school.
Like IDA Scott Taylor wrote: 'Do not look back and grieve over the past, for it is gone, and do not be troubled about the future, for it has yet to come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering."
Your present actions determine your future. Minimize regrets.
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