Thursday, December 31, 2009

Alright. I meant to blog since the starting of this week but i keep getting so lazy the minute i came online and went on to do other stuff instead.

So obviously 2009 is coming to an end. I remembered typing in one of my entries earlier this year about wondering what will be of me at the end of this year, because i was so clueless on what i wanted back then. So now i have the answer. I'll be starting university life next year when school starts next week. I really hope to be starting off this whole new chapter on the right track and keeping it that way. University is the last chance to study and enjoy life as a student before stepping out into the working world. I fear come what may in terms of the study stress and modules. But i'm praying for clarity, wisdom, determination and motivation to get through everything.

This year has been filled with ups and downs. Although there's bound to be good and bad times in your life for as long as you're living. Hope the coming year will have more smiles than frowns though.

I realised that this year i have travelled via the 3 modes of transportation. By air when i went to Taiwan in July. By ship when i went on the cruise weeks back. And lastly by train when i went to malaysia with bf and his family.

I think it's pretty cool. Haha.

Oh, dont you think 2009 has alot of celebrities' death? I miss you MJ.

It's all coming to an end, 2009. Can't say i'll see you again some other time. But i'll remember significant moments i had with you.

I'm going for a haircut tomorrow.

Happy New Year everyone. Make a more awesome 2010. =)


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