Saturday, September 12, 2009

When i don't have job, i whined about it.

Now that i've landed a job, i'm also whining about it. Though i've kinda expected these sort of reaction from myself. I need more motivation to keep myself going. If not i'll just throw in the towel, which i'm hoping it will be my final resort.

There never fails to be some kinda negativity in me whenever i experience something new which i have to get used to. I hate it. Because it really upsets me. On top of that bf's getting enlisted soon. =( Can't really imagine the days when i'll not be able to have him constantly around me. Sigh, better gear up for it.

My laptop's down. Dont know what the fuck happened. Think the repairs might be quite costly. How convenient is that? -__-

Friends do chat with me when you happen to see me online during weekdays. Thanks. I need love and communication with the 'outside' world before i feel suffocated.

It takes a particular incident to make me realise how much i love and care for bf. Blessing in disguise.

Till then, happy going on with life. There's so much more life can offer if you really look into it.

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